
Place-Based Education Resources


Bowers, C.A.  (2006).  Revitalizing the Commons: Ecultural and Educationa Sites of Resistance and Affirmation.  Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. 

Brooke, Robert (editor).  (2003).  Place-Conscious Education and the Teaching of Writing.  New York: Teachers College Press. 

Caduto, Michael & Bruchac, Joseph.  (1994).  Keeper of the Night: Native American Stories and Nocturnal Activities for Children.  Golden, CO: Fulcrum.

Campbell, Meg; Liebowitz, Martin; Mednick, Amy; & Rugen, Leah.  (1998).  Guide for Planning a Learning Expedition: Expeditionary Learning Outward Board.  Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt.

Center for Ecoliteracy.  (2000).  Ecoliteracy: Mapping the Terrain.  Berkeley: Author.

Cornell, Joseph.  (1998).  Sharing Nature with Children.  Nevada City, CA: Dawn Publications. 

Cushman, Kathleen.  (2010).  Fires in the Mind: What Kids Can Tell Us About Motivation and Mastery.  San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Dennee, JoAnne & Hand, Julia.  (1994).  Exploring the Secrets of the Meadow-Thicket.  Montpelier, VT: Common Roots Press.

Geiger, E.  (no date).  Service learning toolbox: Work pages and checklists to help you
get started and keep you going.  Portland, OR: Northwest Regional Educational
Laboratory.  Available at

Gruenewald, David & Smith, Gregory.  (2008)  Place-Based Education in the Global Age: Local Diversity. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Gutstein, Eric & Peterson, Bob.  (2006).  Rethinking Mathematics: Teaching Social Justice by the Numbers.  Milwaukee, WI: Rethinking Schools.

Hart Roger.  (1997).  Children’s participation: The theory and practice of involving young citizens in community development and environmental care.  London: Earthscan Publications/UNICEF.

Hass, Toni & Nachtigal, Paul.  (1998).  Place Value.  Charleston, WA: Clearinghouse on Education and Rural School 

Johnson, Elaine.  (2002).  Contextual Teaching and Learning: What It is and Why It’s Here to Stay.  Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin. 

Kaye, Catherine.  (2004).  The Complete Guide to Service Learning.  Minneapolis: Free Spirit Press.

Louv, Richard.  (2005).  Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-deficit Disorder.  Chapel Hill: Algonquin Books.

Nabhan, Gary & Trimble Stephen.  (1994).  The geography of childhood: Why children need wild places.  Boston: Beacon. 

Orion Society.  (1998).  Stories in the Land: A Place-Based Environmental Education Anthology.   Great Barrington, MA: Orion

Orr, David.  (1992).  Ecological literacy: Education and the Transition to a Postmodern World.  Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. 

Orr, David.  (1994).  Earth in Mind: On Education, Environment, and the Human Prospect. Washington DC: Island Press. 

Markham, Thom; Larmer, John; & Ravitz, Jason.  (2003).  Project-Based Learning Handbook: A Guide to Standards-Focused Project Based Learning for Middle and High School Teachers.  Novato, CA: Buck Institute for Education. 

Melaville, Atelia; Berg, Amy; Blank, Martin.  (2006).  Community-Based Learning: Engaging Students for Success and Citizenship.  Washington, DC: Coalition for Community Schools.

Ramsey, J., Hungerford, H., & Volk, T.  (2005).  A technique for analyzing
environmental issues.  In H. Hungerford, W. Bluhm, T. Volk, J. Ramsey
(Editors), Essential readings in environmental education, pp. 190-195. 
Champaign, IL: Stipes Publishing. 

Shelton, Jack.  (2005).  Consequential Learning.  Montgomery, AL: NewSouth Press.

Shelton, Rick.  (2002).  Write Where You Are: Strategies for Teaching Four Modes of Writing.  Hoover, AL: Minuteman Press (order additional copies from rshel@bellsouth,net).

Skelding, Mark; Kemple, Martin, & Kiefer, Joseph.  (2001).  Living Traditions: A Teacher’s Guide.  Montpelier, VT: Common Roots Press.

Smith, Gregory & Williams, Dilafruz.  (1999).  Ecological Education in Action: On Weaving Education, Culture, and the Environment.  Albany: State University of New York Press.

Smith, G. & Sobel, D.  (2010).  Place- and community-based education in schools.  New York: Routledge. 

Stone, Michal & Barlow, Zenobia.  (2005).  Ecological Literacy: Educating our Children for a Sustainable World.  San Francisco: Sierra Club Books.

Stone Michael.  (2009).  Smart by Nature: Schooling for Sustainability.  Healdsburg, CA: Watershed Media.

Sobel, David.  (2004).  Place-Based Education: Connecting Classrooms & Communities.  Great Barrington, MA: Orion Press.

Theobald, Paul.  (1997) Teaching the Commons: Place, Pride, and the Renewal of Community.  Boulder, CO: Westview.

Umphrey, Michael.  (2007).  The Power of Community-Centered Education: Teaching as a Craft of Place.  Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education. 


Alaska Native Knowledge Network –Demonstrates ways that place- and community-based education can be responsive to local cultures -

Clearing Magazine - Provides regular articles about place- and environmental education efforts in the Pacific Northwest as well as a blog about place-based education -

Community Works Journal – Great source of articles about service  and place-conscious learning  -

Eric Digest – This short article includes an additional list of resources for place- and community-based education -

North Coast Rural Challenge Network – Curriculum examples from former Rural Challenge Site -

Place-based Education Evaluation Collaborative (PEEC) – This group is engaged in multiple research activities with regard to place- and community-based education.  Reports include detailed description of whole-school reform efforts -

Promise of Place – This group plays an active role in sponsoring place-based education in New England and elsewhere -

Rural School and Community Trust – Largest national supporter of place- and community-based education.  Articles located here provide rationale for this approach to curriculum development plus examples from sites across the country -

Service Learning – A clearing house for information on service learning –

Sustainability and Place-Based Education Web Resource Guide – This site features hundreds of links to other organizations that are involved in curriculum design related to sustainability and place.  It is based in the State of Washington and includes information about the Pacific Northwest in general-

State Environment and Education Roundtable – SEER supports an approach to teaching and learning called “Using the Environment as an Integrating Context” – Site has links to additional research studies -

Vermont Rural Partnership – Another Rural Challenge site that includes a collection of lesson and unit plans that could be used as models -

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